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Nate님의 최근 활동
  • Lost Garments Again

    A few days ago I encountered a bug with a certain build that makes the garments disappear, but they remain in the png save and they can be recovere...

  • That is incredible. Thank you so much Support Agent! I think I'm discovering that it seems to be an issue with the laptop that is being worked on b...

  • None of those options ended up working out. The default project files are still normal and the program didn't crash, but I looked for any autosaves...

  • Lost Garments

    I saved my project file and closed the program, then came back a couple hours later to reopen the same project file. The garments were completely m...

  • I have the exact same issue. The PNG shows my garments, but when I try to open the project file or the png in Marvelous, the garments disappear.   ...