Need Help 새 게시물
Can no longer export separate mesh for stitching whilst still retaining UVmap? (Version 12 issue) 완료7댓글Hi There, I've recently made the upgrade to Marvelous Designer 12 from 9 and have found that I seem to no longer be able to export my stitching as a separate mesh? (Without turning off the UV unifi...
ERROR importing usd file 완료2댓글No Body Skin Controller Failed to load the Avatar. I get the error seen above when I try to import usd file exported from houdini
the software is too small (after changing resolution) 완료1댓글even when i changed it to LARGE on the display option its still too small for me. i can magnify with the windows magnifier but the problem is that its making it too close. even after magnifying its...
Arrangement Points and Bounding Volumes problems with Custom Avatars in the 2024.0.149 version of MD 완료3댓글To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues. ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) : 2024.0.149 ● OS Type : Windows ● Mac ...
UVs showing lines which are not on patterns 완료1댓글When creating UVs from my pattern, a thick white line/frame is being added to the UV (see attached example). I need to create UVs without these added elements. How can I remove them? ● Marvel...
Sewing internal shapes not weld 완료1댓글To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues. ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) : 12 ● OS Type : ● Mac Model Name (for ...
It only works for the avatars registered in advance 완료14댓글hi how do i fix fix It only works for the avatars registered in advance
Trial Version 완료1댓글Hello I want to use the free trial version of Marvelous and they tell I already use the trial version but I had nothing in my history order ?
How to remove these thick lines form the pattern??? 완료1댓글Hello! I just started using this app and I downloaded this pattern for a waistcoat, but it has these ugly large orange-brown lines and I can't get rid of them! It's not part of the material, the...
Marvelous Designer Not Opening 완료8댓글Marvelous designer was working yesterday, and I try to log on to the software with the same details and a pop up occurs saying 'success' and nothing happens. I have downloaded the software and the ...
Metahuman Workflows to Unreal 완료1댓글All of the examples I've seen of adding custom clothing to Metahumans and then exporting to Unreal wre animated inside MD and exported as alembic.Is it not possible to export as a static FBX or .Ob...
Novice -User interface mouse shortcuts 완료1댓글I've checked the preferences but didn't see anything.How do you reverse the middle mouse scroll wheel zoom direction?When I middle mouse click to pan, I also zoom at the same time.How do I stop the...
Marvelous Designer 9, need to download this version to try in a old computer 완료2댓글Pls I need to dowload the Marvelous Designer 9, to try it first in a old computer. Could you let me know where is the version to download? I futher take the descision to learn more and invest tim...
MD to Maya Workflow Question 완료2댓글Hello! New to MD and have gone through a myriad of tutorials but still struggling to get my bearings regarding the best production workflow from Maya to MD to Maya. Couple part (hopefully not dum...
Cloth keeps sticking to the model with custom animation. Need help 완료3댓글I'm working on a project where I make my own catwalk and designing clothing. But there's a problem, we've made our custom animation with motion capture and put it on a mannequin from Unreal Engine....
How to deselect (?) pattern piece so it all shows the right cloth and color? 완료1댓글Quick question, how do I make the yellow part of the skirt below show the assigned color/fabric please? . ● Marvelous Designer Version 7.2.209 ● OS Type : Windows Thanks for the info!! Ang...
I am having issues with a project file. Sewing lines are all messed up and I cannot figure out what is wrong with the collar I am trying to sew. 완료1댓글To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues. ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) :latest ● OS Type :windows 10 ● Mac Mod...
Why can't Copy/Paste my username and password? 완료1댓글Like the title says... I am switching from my pc to my laptop regurlarly during a project I am doing at home and at my client's office, and it is quite annoying to have to type all the symbols one ...
How do I get the clothes to collide with the mesh all the way? 완료2댓글To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues. ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) : ● OS Type : Windows ● Mac Model Name ...
Mesh is not smooth 완료5댓글Hi, does anyone know wht there are lines going downwards, as if there is something under teh clothing? This is 3mm Particle Distance and Accurate Simulated. But still t...
Lesson "Color Blocked Shirt" minute 19 sewing pleat to yoke - question 완료3댓글MD v7.2.209Windows Hi there,Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? I am following this video until minute 19. My pleat doesn't get sewn to the yoke/back of shirt. I...
Access denied to the temporary folder path 완료1댓글Hi, I was in the middle of creating a design using the Personal monthly package I purchased today and this error popped up which won't allow me to continue working in Marvelous Designer. It looks l...
Auto fitting error: "It only works for a simulated garment" 완료1댓글To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues. ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) : 12_personal_7_2_209 ● OS Type : ● M...
Exporting for use in Character Creator 4? 완료2댓글Could someone please advise regarding the workflow from MD to CC4, including getting things to fit correctly within CC4? thanks
Creating a stiff plastic vaccum effect 완료1댓글Hey hey! I'm trying to test an effect similar to the files attached, but I'm having problems with replicating the hard geometric creases and then very soft bumps on the plastic. I've tried cranking...
How do I recolor a plaid shirt? 완료1댓글I have a plaid pattern with a blue, yellow and black color scheme, but I want to change the colors to orange, tan and white. Is there a tool in Marvelous Designer that would allow me to do this? ...
creating pin does nto work on W 완료1댓글● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.2.209) : The language is set to English, but I simply can't create a pin with W only with P. I tried setting it first to another language and then back to ...
Smoothening the curves of a mask 완료3댓글Hi, I am trying to smoothen the curves of the upper contour of this mask, but I am failing....I have selected some points and used the command "Convert to curve point". However, I can only see a po...
Missing Pieces on Remesh export 완료1댓글I have had a lot of trouble when trying to export remeshed garments. They look fine in MD and the welding seems alright in the export window (with the appropriate vertices showing red), but the ex...
where is my 2D drop down menu 완료2댓글To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues. ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) : ● OS Type : ● Mac Model Name (for mac...