Often times, you're creating a garment with more than one separate piece like a shirt, pants and a vest. Right now, we have no way of identifying a single piece of the garment and exporting it separately, like only exporting the shirt or the pants instead of forcing you to export the whole thing. We should be able to create a group for each part of the garment that allows you to categorize objects in the garment for export. You should be able to separate them by garment piece, or accents like buttons so if you're only wanting to export the shirt and not the buttons, you can select to export the garment group for the shirt, or if you want to export the zipper separately in both it's zipped and unzipped states, you can do this. It makes it easier to work with the garment in other applications if you're not wasting time separating out each piece every time you create something. Or, if you only want to simulate the shirt, you can select the shirt group and simulate just that piece.
Hello W. Will,
Thank you for contacting us!
I appreciate your feedback about the grouping feature. We will add this to our feature list.
Instead, I recommend you to use the Freeze feature. In that case, you can freeze the other pieces (or layer) and simulate only the selected active pieces that you want to simulate.
Any other feedbacks are welcome :) Please let us know anytime.
Have a lovely day!
I'm not really talking about simulation. I know those features are there for simulation. I'm talking about exporting a garment piece by piece when you have a complex garment like a suit with a vest. When You're talking export, I don't want to export the whole garment in a single obj, but there are no methods to export parts separately because MD treats everything as a single garment. We want to be able to export one piece at a time. Right now, if I have a suit and I want to export the pants, I basically have to delete all of the other garments to export just the pants. Grouping allows you to work more efficiently when it comes to exporting and changing materials.
Thank you for getting us back W. Will :)
Yes. I totally understood the difficulty of exporting the garments when we handle a lot of pieces and layers.
I will add the feature of exporting only the grouped pieces to our feature list. Furthermore, I appreciate your insight.
Just for your information, as you may know, Export > OBJ (Selected) could be an option for now in case of exporting the garment as an OBJ file format. It helps you to export only the selected pattern.
I hope this information helps you :)
Should have further feedback or questions, please let us know. Have a lovely day!
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