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Snap to pattern option missing in MD 10 6.0.537

  • Support Agent 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Hello Krzeminski!

    Thank you for contacting us.

    As you mentioned, 'Snap to pattern' was a bug, and it has been solved in 6.0.537.

    We couldn't recreate the issue you mentioned on our end in 6.0.537.  'Snap to Pattern' option was there. (image below)

    However, 'Snap to Pattern' option is actually missing in version 6.0.491.
    For further help, please check the version and let us know. Thank you.


  • Krzeminski Konrad 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Hello Sonia,

    I double checked and my version is 6.0.537.
    I just updated it after version 6.0.405. I skipped updates in between.
    Perhaps that is the problem and fresh installation would solve it. I will try to make a fresh installation and report back to you.

  • Support Agent 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Hello Krzeminski!

    Thank you for your update. It seems to have an issue using 'Snap to Pattern' feature.

    We've delivered your report to our dev team at this moment. 
    We will come back to your as soon as we hear back from the team. 

  • Krzeminski Konrad 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Hello Sonia,


    as mentioned before I saved my User Settings and uninstalled completely Marvelous Designer.
    After lunching freshly installed software I sadly noticed that "snap to pattern" wasn't present.


    However what is strange after restarting Marvelous few times "snap to pattern" showed up on the list.
    It seems 1 in every 4 times Marvelous is opened "snap to pattern" will be available.
    From what I can tell it is really random and does not corelate to actions I take after opening software.


    I hope dev team will be able to solve this issue quickly.
    Thank you for your time and all the help.


    ps. Here is the screenshot with option present.

  • Support Agent 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Hello Krzeminski Konrad,

    This issue has been resolved on our patch update version of 6.0.553. Please check :)

    Thank you for your patience. Have a lovely day!

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