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Trying to follow this tutorial, but it's not working...

  • Mark Sinister 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Follow up. I asked for help on Substance Painter forums and they told me I need to:

    "You'll need to remove the MAT IDs from each section otherwise Painter splits per MAT ID into their own texture sets. Just keep a single MAT ID that matches everything."

    How do I do that in Marvelous Designer 10?

  • Angel Angel 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    You delete one of the fabrics in the 'Material shader' stack and then apply the same fabric to all pattern parts in your garment. The base color (ID) in the Fabric texture diffuse (not the image texture) is the 'Material' ID in MD.

  • Mark Sinister 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    uhh.... how? Where? I don't really know how? or where to actually do that? What does it look like?? 

    Where in the picture do I do that??

  • Angel Angel 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Select a fabric (double click fabric in fabric TAB) and then look in the property editor below > it will now list the fabric (Mat) atributes. A PBR fabric has a type (mat, shiny, metal etc), it has a base MTL (material ) ID color that can be set to a unique color ID by double clicking on the color chip in the property editor diffuse channel that will bring up the base color palette. The RGB color can then be changed or you can drag a new color swatch onto your diffuse, the texture image is then a seperate element within that base material shader.

    Applying a single fabric to your model > equals deleting one of the fabrics. And then applying the remaining fabric to your garment, keep it all as one material.

    When you select any fabric from your material stack (list) on the right, that = a 'material shader' in typical CG software > Therefore the ID for any MD material = the MTL base shader or in MD's case the base material type color in the diffuse channel. This is generally a number associated to the RGB color makeup for that base color. eg: the default is white. However in MD you can color (creating a unique color ID) the base material using the 'color pallet', this can then creates a 'unique' color code (RGB) for the base material (Fabric) which gets exported as a MTL (Material ID). If you open up your object data file with a text editor you will see this in the export file clearly noted.

    In addition in MD you may custom name pattern pieces, giving additional data to the project export, many people don't as they get lazy, these are all methods to use in refining your polygroups later in your external workflows.

    You should maybe just keep your patterns to one UDIM, for such a simple garment.

  • Mark Sinister 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Thank you for your info... But I still can't really follow along. Do you recommend I delete the collar fabric (the Yellow one)?


    Ok here's what I'm trying to do. I'm following this tutorial


    But this is what's happening when I do it.


    As you can see in Substance Painter, I have 4 different material ID layers (mat0 to mat4). I'm trying to get those UV tiles into one Mat Later (mat0 at the top).


    I'm happy you're willing to help but I can't follow along with your information because I don't know the MD interface and terms because I'm an absolute beginner. I tried learning the basics of MD texturing but some of the tutorials are from an Asian lady with a thick accent which kind of makes it hard to follow.


    Travis Davids tutorial is very helpful but he's using an older version of Marvelous Designer where as I'm using Marvelous Designer 10 which doesn't have 1 export feature (Unified Texture) that shows up on his setting but not on mine which is why I can't continue along.


    I've deleted the Collar fabric and applied the Dress fabric to the collar strips and when I export it to Substance Painter I still get 5 Mat ids (mat0 to mat4). Is there no way to actually see where this is being created in MD? so I can just delete them?

  • Mark Sinister 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    I tried making another garment with out touching any fabrics properties. The only thing I did was move the fabrics into one UDIM box in the UV Editor and it still makes multiple Mat ID's in Substance Painter. I also notice that the amount of Mat ID's match the number of parts I use to make the garment.


    So now I know there's a setting I'm missing in my export.

  • Angel Angel 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Save the MTL file out and zip when you export > (to-be-sure/to-be-sure) materials are copied, just to be prudent with the project materials. However it should work even without the zip file.

    It works with multiple fabrics from MD10 on PC. I tried an alternative workflow taking a MD10 garment with two fabrics directly into Blender 2.92 as an object export groups with zipped materials (MTL) and there were no problems when opening that file, the materials came in as separate materials and aligned to the UDIM no problems.


    When I also opened up the MD10 object export in Armor paint as a direct texture painting option (rather than porting into blender) it also came in as a separated mesh object with UDIM's allocated to the correct garment pattern mesh groups. (You can choose these on loading the model) in Armor paint. I assume that is the same in Adobe Painter.

    So in this instance both worked for me no problem using MD10. And I could split by pattern piece, material (fabric ID), or UDIM. So a few options there you can try out ...

    Is it a setting in Adobe Painter that is the fault? I don't use that app anymore as I get better texture detailing for garments in other software apps (mari) for fabric textures.



    I even tried opening the MD object export directly in the simple app Armor paint and it all came in no problem.

    When imported to Armor paint  I separated by material, group and UDIM. All worked okay.

    Seems perfectly fine.


    Or if I separate by pattern piece mesh group .... on import into the texture editing .... no problem

    Also seems to come in fine ....


    Even all the stitching and button decals come in fine as a mesh group ... direct from MD10 when toggling off unified UV co-ord textures on export. So again no real problems for any of the garment components when sorted in 3 different ways > mesh pattern ID, UDIM ID, fabric (mat) ID, or object group.

    Which ever way I scalp the garment model it comes in perfectly fine.


    Maybe go back to Adobe and ask them where their problem is with their software import process.  Or maybe use the simple Armor paint and then export to Adobe until they can fix their app.

    All seems oki-dokey from MD10 on a PC.


  • Mark Sinister 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    ... I don't know what's going on but I've been trying to learn blender so I could try to see if I could edit this file and I was able to go into the material properties and delete the extra Material ID's and it seems to work. Now all the textures are paintable like in the tutorial video.

    It's kind of sad that I have to do it that way but I guess I have no choice. I think I might just learn blender and try to paint in there since it's free anyway. 

    Are there any free programs similar to the one you use to paint your models? Or is blender the only free option?

  • Mark Sinister 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Actually Armorpaint looks pretty good for it's price. Is there a lot of access to fabrics and such? I'm new to this stuff so I don't even know how to get fabrics in Substance Painter or even where to start with another program.

  • Angel Angel 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Armor paint is certainly no substitute yet for Adobe painter, as it's still in development so there are many things that you might miss or that are not quite to the performance or quality of 'painter' so I would be cautious there. However Blender 2.92 is pretty damn fine, although a big program to learn I think it's perhaps the fastest app at modelling, (and I have used all the 3D apps professionally over decades - so (BL) Blender 2.92 gets the thumbs up for use) it now has a great interface for work-in-progress (maybe the best out of all the CG software's) and as you will spend most your time in that most it's a delight, using the addons makes BL2.92 a real workhorse contender for CG.


    I use Blender 2.92 for fashion (as I don't need compatibility with other pipelines - which is always a limitation you need to factor in professionally with choice of CG project app) and frankly for fashion design work it's better than Modo,Maya,Max for this type of detailed and integrated work and is highly scalable, it has great cloth sculpt tools, and if you want texturing like Painter they have the low cost addons for blender > that use full node control >  mask tools that gives you node based painting control from the pen (brush)  similar to Adobe painter + substance designer. So to be honest blender is not a bad workhorse choice and I find it's out-competing some of the other apps in terms of being a integrated pipeline, certainly I prefer it to most other apps these days as it's just so versatile, > you can code it to customize exactly what you want to do-  eg: all my texture fabric simulations are done in blender and they are so much better than other software as I have more workflow process automation. So a solid choice, with the best online community of any CG software by a huge margin.


    Other choices are Quixel, but no UDIM ability there, however it is an interesting choice to explore as well. It is Free and you can make your own smart materials.



    You can build Armorpaint for free using MS Visual studio 2019 to try it out first - takes about 10 minutes to do > Link

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