I'm currently having a problem deleting the tack I attached to this button. With another tack, I'm able to go to Edit Tack and delete it from the 2D panel, but for this one I'm unable to. Right clicking on the line doesn't give me a panel with delete and the line doesn't show in the 2D panel either. :-\
Hello Tim Smith,
Thank you for contacting us!
Could you share the file via support@marvelousdesigner.com to inspect your issue more?
Thank you!
I've sent an email to the address with my save file.
Hello Tim Smith,
Could you send the file with us again? We didn't receive that file yet :(
Please add cc recipient sonia@marvelousdesigner.com as well just in case :)
Thank you!
Hello Tim Smith,
We've received your file well :)
When I opened that file, there was no tack attached to the button. There were only two tacks on the collar. Could you please check again? It could have been a temporary error.
Oh no - the tack I'm referring to isn't on the collar. It's on the waistline of the trousers. There's a button I made consisting of three parts, and there should be a tack at the back of the last one linking it to the trousers. If you pull the back one forward (the grey one), it should be there. :)
Tim Smith Oh! This is not a tack, actually. That is a thread, which is attached to the button. You may not delete it.
I hope this information helps you.
Ahhhh. Whoops. ^^; Learnt something there at least. Sorry for the time wasting.
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