Please bring the fullness tool and subtool features from Clo3D to Marvelous. They look super useful and I'd love to have access to them in Marvelous!
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Please bring the fullness tool and subtool features from Clo3D to Marvelous. They look super useful and I'd love to have access to them in Marvelous!
I second that. Lack of fullness tool in MD is something I can not understand. Was really hoping to see it added in MD11.
MD is getting into retopology and sculpting, but keeps core functionality of pattern creation behind CLO3D.
Yea I know, It would be very useful
I would also love to see the fullness tool in Marvelous. It's so much easier to use than the slash and spread.
I would also love to see the fullness tool in MD. is such a great feature! thanks!
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