Hi there - I would like to be able to right-click on a pattern in the 3D window or 2D window and be able to choose "Select Garment" (or better yet just command-click or control-click) and have all of the patterns stitched to the pattern I selected become selected as well. It is very inefficient for me in large scenes to have to go into the 2D window to click on every little part of a garment and when I accidentally duplicate patterns on top of one another in the 2D view it is similarly frustrating to try to separate one garment from another by hand. Seems like this would be fairly quick and easy to code if a garment is defined by what patterns are connected to each other by stitching. I usually code shortcuts like this myself but I can't seem to find any resource that will show me how to do anything practical with the CLO3D Python API.
Hello Morain Peter,
Thank you for contacting us!
I appreciate your feedback about the Select pattern and all the patterns that are linked to that pattern by sewing lines (3D Window and 2D Pattern Window). The features that you requested have been added to our list. Let me know if I misunderstood anything by replying to this article!
Any other feedbacks are welcome :) Have a lovely day!
Wonderful, thanks so much for adding it to your list :)
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