I am having a problem exporting my MDD animation only after I made new UVs and baked the UVs.
I have exported many MDD animations and brought them into Lightwave with no problems until I check the box that says export UVs. I need it to work with my new maps and UVs and I can not figure out what I am doing wrong.
Is it because I baked the UVs?
Can someone please help?
Thank you
Hello Celeste Napodano,
Thank you for contacting us!
Could you describe the problems you are facing in more detail for further help? (e.g. any screenshots, video or the steps)
If possible, please share us the test file via support@marvelousdesigner.com :)
I look foward to your reply! Thank you.
Yes, it is a point order thing that is to say when I load the obj file into lightwave layout it looks fine until I apply the MDD file to the object. I tried to revert back to the garment before I made the new UV set in Marvelous Designer. Then I exported the MDD and obj, brought it into Lightwave applied the MDD and it worked fine. I need to assign the UVs in MD because the garment is too complexed but after I do so it just does not work
Let me know
Thank you
I forgot to mention what happens to the obj after applying the MDD
This is a swizzle (x,y,z) mapping orientation issue of the object mesh and UV vertices ID points relative to the MDD mesh cache. You have to check that your object mesh import and swizzle matches your MDD cache data otherwise it will map the vertice points of the model to other vector (vertice) co-ordinates. Simple fix.
Thank you but there is no swizzle adjustment in Lightwave. What do I do in Marvelous Designer before or during export that will fix this?
Thank you
Yes there is , just reassign your x,y,z, axis orientation for that incoming object model but don't change the vertex ID number, just their mapping > every CG software has this and all you need to do is re-assign the mapping to match the incoming model (object +mesh cache data). See basic CG world and object level mapping of data. See > link
Check your object models vertex ID (open the model and see how the vertices are mapped), then look at your mesh cache data and the vertex that would be mapped to that object mesh vertex > that should tell you what (swizzle x,y,z) orientation to use on your object model (which you can usually change on import to your next workflow). You may have one of the axis flipped, or have the vertice ID's messed up.
Thank You I will see if I can make sense of it all.
I thank you for all of your help but I can not find any of the stuff you mentioned. I have done web searches for all of the text in your message.
I am using Lightwave 2015 Update 3 and I do not know how to check or alter my vertex info. I do not know how to see how the verts are mapped without a step by step instruction and I can not find it on line. I understand all of what you are telling me and even though I have been using Lightwave since 1990 I have never had to edit the vertex maps. I do not want to be a burden so I will continue to search for a video or tutorial so that I can get a step by step instruction from someone that has the same problem. I would love to use Marvelous Designer for my work but I need to get it working in my pipeline.
Once again thank you for your patience and all of your help.
I don't have time to do a step by step in an old version of software but see your node editor to reveal the vertex ID of the model(s) just compare the object model of the raw object with a copy having the mesh vertex cache applied > that will identify what axis to change between the before and after mesh. See >> Node link to 2019 software
Try exporting the object mesh with the vertex order mapped to another swizzle axis orientation is a fallback and then on import to Lightwave check it matches your mesh cache vertex ID.
Note: you can generally open up any [ascii] mesh data file export in a text editor and view it's text regarding the scale, x,y,z axis (swizzle) vector orientation etc. So that is perhaps your fastest way to determine the correct import arrangement for your object mesh, when then applying the mesh cache.
Thank you. I will look into this. :)
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