Now i write the same post the second time as the first post just vanished after i clicked submit. Or there is no feedback at all or it doesn't show up anywhere in my activites...
But it just underscores how this forum feels to me. Terrible.
This great program deserves a proper Forum to share one's ideas/featureRequests/bugs with categories.
Not that unsorted pile of posts with no ability to search in... Sorry for sounding so negative but it just deserves to be called out for what it feels like. Maybe it is just me, or i am spoiled by all the other tools i use and how they handle feedback (organized so they invite to participate), this varies a lot over the different tools i use but at least for me this site is the worst when it comes to feedback.
Just throwing a post onto this unsorted pile with no ability to look for anything others might have already said about a topic feels frustrating and is really off-putting.
Sorry for being so blunt. But i would really think that it would help this program when users would feel more invited to participate. Like i said this great program deserves better.
Thanks and have a good day.
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