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Clo LiveSync Metahuman export custom size

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Thank you for contacting us.

    First of all, if you are using default Metahuman sizes, you do not need to import the Metahuman to Marvelous Designer or CLO using LiveSync or with file - import.  There are 18 default MetaHuman body types in the library when you install the software.  You can pick the body type you are using, build clothing, and import to Unreal Engine.

    Using LiveSync, you can import any Animation Sequence From Unreal Engine to Marvelous Designer and CLO.  The sizing depends on your Skeletal Mesh, not any transformation you apply in the scene.  So if you are using Metahuman in Unreal Engine and want to change the size from default MetaHuman size, you may need to do it at the Skeletal Mesh.  Please contact Unreal Engine team for information for this regard, I don't want to provide you any wrong information regarding Unreal Engine here.

    You always have the option to export your mesh to FBX from Unreal Engine and import to Marvelous Designer, without LiveSync.  Build your garment and use LiveSync to import the garment to Unreal Engine. 



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