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- ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) : 7.2.191
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- ● CPU : Intel i9-10980XE
- ● Graphic Card : GTX 1080 Dual SLI
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Hi Park Stephan
Please explain what feature you are missing from CLO3D in MD regarding Trims. A video or Image that showcases the issue will be helpful.
Here is an example of how it can behave a Trim in MD. Could be buttons, hard surface mesh with collision and weight. In the images below you can see how the garment behaves depending on the type or Trim I use and the settings I set.
Buttons keep the 2 patterns together while simulating. Then is a tube hanging from one pattern with enough weight to pull it down throw the buckle, which has collision.
Is the tube an imported geometry? If so, I only see a setting for Collision Thickness for Trim objects. Garment doesn't have any affect on Trim objects in my case. Trim objects also can't be moved manually during a simulation while an "Avatar" object can. Also, Props/Set objects don't interact with garment but have unchangeable Skin Offset Static, Friction and Kinetic Friction. Are these bugs?
Op, forgot, thank you for your prompt response! :)
To be able to help you more efficiently, please share a video showcasing the steps you do for importing a Trim to a scene and making it collide with a simple pattern.
I leave you a few videos about importing trims and using the property editor for weight and collision. Hope you find them helpful.
I recorded the behavior of objects as Trim locked in position during simulation.!Amf5w2HACoziipUTt-86rXHZTLiNzQ?e=vYyPR1
Videos provided unfortunately did not provide any new information to allow expected behavior. Imported Trim objects simply do NOT move during a simulation in my case. They DO collide with garment piece as there is the rather obvious "Collision" checkbox.
What I have found drawbacks vs. Avatar, again in my case. Trim objects cannot be moved while simulating but Avatar can be. Cannot be pinned on-to but can to Avatar be. Does NOT fall based on weight and gravity settings. Does NOT move or get moved by garment pieces regardless of force. Below are the steps I used to import Objects as Trim.
Did I miss anything?
When you locate your trims, they must be attached to a garment to be able to simulate. Once you select the trim, on the right over the gizmo you will see 2 icons. One to change the scale, and the other one to attack the trim to a surface. From your video I see you did not attack it.
I wasn't sure if "Glue" was working right or I was doing something wrong as I have Glued-pinned the imported Trim object before but collision turned off completely when I did. By the way, when glued, the Trim's properties greys out the Collision fields which was unexpected. Again, I thought this was a glitch. I didn't know it was called Glue when first encountering the icon. From your response, this step is indeed how to establish interactive binding so I tried with a free moving panel this time. The Glued Trim did drag the strap garment piece at the pinned spot by gravity but the Trim piece didn't interact in terms of soft-body garment collisions at all. It didn't even interact with the Glued on garment panel/strap, just the Glue-pin spot with the Collision fields locked again. I hope this isn't expected behavior.
Yes, once you attach the Trim to a mesh, you will no longer be able to change the collision if you activated it previously. You will need to unglue to activate collision.
So, the steps will be the following:
Record this process to be able to check if you are missing anything. And yes, there are different ways to use Trims, with or without collision. Depends on how you are going to use them.
So, basically, it is not useful for my situation. Will rigid body dynamics be integrated for Trim in future? I feel it is nearly useless if not.
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