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auto fitting

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Here is the "magic formula" for autofitting. in short: you can't have autofitting without pre-existing reference data and to do that---you must apply that reference data to everything --- to be able to use "autofitting".  (we have this template on the Discord channel) Hopefully this will help you with your issue:


    Getting errors with the Auto fitting and Target Re-Draping? Both avatars (the donor/original garment (A1) and the target avatar (A2)) NEED to have a fit suit created and saved, before the Autofit tool(s) can be used. The avatar the garment was first created on needs to have a Fit Suit created and saved as a part of the avatar's file (A1), and the avatar you want to put the garment on also needs a Fit suit created and saved (A2). Then the donor garment MUST be simulated on the donor (original) avatar (A1) and obtain Fit Suit Data (FSD), saved then that garment or file shared with the target avatar file (A2). If either of the avatars do not have the Fit Suit information saved in their file, the Autofit & Target Re-draping tools will not proceed.


    Working order:

    1. A1 & A2 MUST have a Fitting suit EACH. (do NOT move to step 2 until BOTH have a fit suit.)

    2. Simulate garment on A1 > save garment. You must save after simulation in order to have Garment with fit suit data (FSD) > Garment has FSD

    3. Add Garment with FSD to project with A2.  You can now use the autofitting tools. 



    1. Does the garment not have fit suit data? Garment not re-target draping or autofitting? Getting an error saying “It only works for simulated garments”? (if any apply: simulate garment on a V2 avatar to quickly apply fit suit data you might have to place it by hand)

    2. Getting errors "it only works on avatars registered in advance"? Does the target avatar (the one you want to use aka A2) have a fit suit yet?(Fix: Make a fit suit on the target Avatar using the fit-suit tool in the 3D window) 

    (for better formatting, here is the link to the discord channel/ exact post, you must join our discord to read it 



  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    a1=generic avatar

    a2=customized avatar

    both a1 and a2 have fitting suits, have been saved  both as zprjs and as avts. the garment has been simulated on a1and saved both as a zprj  and a zpac. I open a fresh new MD window and add the a2 and preview the fitting suit and it's there. Then I add the zpac and the fitting suit of a2 disappears. I figure oh well, I am following your instructions to the letter so I click auto fitting and it says it only works with avatars registered in advance

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    so while I'm in that file I just try to create another fitting suit for a2, but as soon as I hit create fitting suit, the garment disappears. I try to unhide it,but it's not hidden, so I try to add it again, but as soon as I do, a2's fitting suit disappears

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Anyone? Any ideas?

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Is anyone paying any attention to this post?

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Could you please find the video tutorials below first? If you still have problem with the issue above, it would be a great help if you could share the screen recordings and the files. Thank you !

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    I've already seen that video, I've seen a ll the tutorials they don't work I,d post a video of what I'm doing and share my files but I don't know how

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    I've already seen that video, I've seen a ll the tutorials they don't work I,d post a video of what I'm doing and share my files but I don't know how

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Hello. Well received the recording you shared. Please kindly follow the suggested step below and the issue should be solved. If you still see the same problem, please send us the avatar and garment files you used. Will try our best to fix your inquiry.


    1. Make fitting suit to create the garment fitting suit for the garment file.

    2. Save the file either as a project(.zprj) or a garment(.zpac)

    3. File -> New ; Which means the window should be blank to move on to the next step.

    4. Import your own avatar to the 3D window.

    5. Create the fitting suit for the avatar (Here can you use the Auto Create Fitting Suit as well as Create Fitting Suit)

    6. Save the file as an avatar (.avt)

    7. File -> New ; Which means the window should be blank to move on to the next step.

    8. Load the avatar saved the previous step and add the garment(.zpac) which now has its own fitting suit.

    9. Now you can activate Auto Fitting to make the garment fits on your own avatar.

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    That sounds like it'd work but the garment is removed when I try to create the fitting suit for the first file or do you want me to save the file as a zpac even though the garment has been removed?

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    And I just tried that, you can't save a zpac with no garment

  • Kuhns David 댓글 작업 고유 링크

    Also when I do file>new it doesn't leave a blank window, it leaves the avatar

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