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Can't import avatar from daz3d studio

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER コメントアクション パーマリンク

    Could be a couple things, can you share an image of what your avatar looks like please? 

  • thiettanung コメントアクション パーマリンク

    This is my avatar i made from daz3d studio. When i imported the avatar as "auto scale" it worked but i need to make an animation for the avatar after designed clothe and the mdd file cant be loaded to MD. cm/mm scale didnt work with my avatar. what is my problem and how i can fix it. Thank you a lot~

  • thiettanung コメントアクション パーマリンク

    This scene is when i imported my avatar as Auto Scale. It worked but i cant apply the mdd file to make an animation~

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER コメントアクション パーマリンク

    You will need to set the import scale manually and make sure the animation is also at the same scale when you do that portion too. Marvelous Designer does not have the option to import an .mdd file type at this time, make sure to import the correct animation file type that the software supports, we recommend alembic or fbx.
