Enterprise accounts are divided into Company ID and End User ID.
For Enterprise Accounts, End User IDs (used to access software) are managed by Company IDs.
To get better understanding on characteristic of each account and structure, please refer to the link below.
How Can I Manage My Licenses?
To manage your licenses, you will first need to login with your Company ID, at a page below.
On “License Account Admin” you can view all licenses you’ve had in the past, upcoming expiration dates, delete/add end users, purchases licenses, view active end users, etc.
You can access License Account Admin upon after the login, by clicking on your profile icon.
(sample image)
On your “Dashboard”, you can view weekly average access to licenses, how many times licenses were used, how long do users spend on the software on average and etc.
*Denied access
Denied Access refers to concurrent access being exceeded by users.
For example, if you have 10 licenses, your concurrent access will be for 10 seats. If you are sharing the 10 licenses among 20 people, this feature lets you know that one of the 10 individuals will have to log out if another user needs access, or it may be time for you to purchase additional seats.
The data is only valid for the network (floating type) license holders.
The contact information is also provided on the left bottom of the screen for regional managers.
Regional managers can help you with how to use the License Management services, and answer any questions.
Based on the location you have set for your account, you will have different regional managers. If the listed regional managers are out of office, please feel free to contact md.bizdev@marvelousdesigner.com to reach out to the entire business development team.
How Do I Know What Licenses I Have and What Can I Do With Them?
Click on the “License” tab on your left menu which will bring you to this page.
(sample image)
Filter section
In this section, you can search End User IDs or an email address to quickly look for the End User ID you are looking for, set to view active and expired licenses, perpetual/monthly/yearly/trial licenses and different versions of licenses.
(sample image)
License detail section
In this section, you can see every End User ID under your Company ID. You can view information such as the email address attached to the End User ID, plan type, license type, license count, current software version, and expiration dates. You can also directly add/extend your existing seats, or purchase a new license through this menu option.
(sample image)
Add/extend option
You can add another license to the same End User ID or extend the license period before the period ends. Both actions can only be done before the license expires.
New license option
New License option allows you to renew licenses past the expiration date. This action can only be done after the license expires.
Trade-In option
Perpetual license is eligible for our 'Trade-In' service, which is to convert perpetual license to annual type. Please refer the link below for more detailed information on this.
License ID (End User) detail section
Clicking the individual license ID (End User) from the previous image on the left hand side, will lead you to the single End User detail page.
In this page, you can manage End User IDs by viewing the user details, your password for the End User, the email address and the IP address when the license is being used at corporate premises.
(sample image)
What Else Can I Expect from License Account Admin page?
User Pool
Within User Pool feature we provide, licenses are now much flexible in terms of management.
Please read a separate manual followed by the link below, for better understanding of the usability around this feature.
In the invoice section, you can view your past orders and invoices. You can also add and edit your billing address within this section.