Userpool is the feature included in the License Account Admin page along with the launch of Marvelous Designer 2024.2 for those that are integrated with CLO-SET.
Please read the page in the link below for more information on account integration.
(LINK to the page)
Userpool enhances the experience of license management with multiple & single users and provides higher security around the license usage as well.
The Userpool can be found and accessed at the left side of the menu bar inside of the license account admin page.
In order to access the User Pool, you will need to have your Company ID integrated with CLO-SET as part of our optional One-Step login process.
You will need to integrate your Company ID, and End User IDs (License IDs) under your company as well, with a valid working email address in order to operate the Userpool feature fully.
[Userpool Settings]
- Userpool is set to be enabled as its default upon completing account integration.
- From ‘Userpool Settings’, you can also choose to turn it off for a specific License ID if you wish not to share it.
- Push the slide bar in order to disable userpool from certain License ID.
- If the userpool gets turned off while the selected License ID is assigned with 1 or multiple members, they will be removed afterward.
[Add Members]
: How to add the members to Userpool?
- By License Account admin (Website)
- After clicking ‘Add Member’ button, the pop up window will appear
- Choose certain License ID that you want to have assigned with members who are in needs of license usage
- Type in a member's ID (email address) to assign. This also can be done with multiple number of member IDs at once.
- Once the add member procedure is completed followed by the steps above, the member information will appear on the page, and the email will be sent for the verification on the member’s end.
- By Software (Marvelous Designer)
*'Auto Add' option has to be on for this function
- The end user logs-in to Marvelous Designer with License ID
- Use ‘Sign in with CLO-SET account’ or ‘Switch CLO-SET Account’ feature
- CLO-SET accounts that are logged-in via software followed by above step, will be automatically added into Userpool
[Auto Add]
: What is Auto Add?
- After the log-in to Marvelous Designer by License ID and signing in with a CLO-SET account inside of the Software (Sign in with CLO-SET, Switch CLO-SET Account), the CLO-SET Email is automatically added to the user pool of the corresponding License ID.
- Log in to Marvelous Designer with License ID ‘A’, and sign in with a CLO-SET account ‘B’
- This CLO-SET account ‘B’ will be added to user pool, underneath the License ID ‘A’
- If you switch the account to different CLO-SET account while using the software, then it will also be added to user pool, underneath the License ID ‘A’
- This option can be turned off at the License Account Admin - Userpool page.
- ‘Auto Add’ option is only available for Onlineauth type of license.
- ‘Auto Add’ will only work with License ID that has the email address attached.
- If you try to assign members via ‘Auto Add’ option to the License ID that does not have an eligible email address attached, it will not function properly.
[Send Installer/ Delete]
- If you need to send out the installer for a certain version, or to make sure the end user received it well on their side, use the ‘Send Installer’ button.
- Also, the delete of member ID is available by clicking on the ‘Delete’ button
- If a member is using more than one License ID, then you can choose License IDs you want to delete the member from.
[Name Edit]
- You can assign nicknames to members for efficient management. This helps distinguish between members and take accurate actions. Use member names to simplify team management.
- Not Integrated / Company blocked CLO-SET account Integration
- Not Integrated/ Company allowed CLO-SET account integration
- Integrated with CLO-SET
- Integrated (End User with Standalone License and have Sub Account(Member))