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Marvelous Designer Support

Thank you Kay Lim at Marvelous Designer!

  • Velazquez Jose E Comment actions Permalink

    Any possibility of sharing how they advised to fix this I am having the same issue when trying to import a Poser Pro 11 collada file into Marvelous and it either freezes or crashes and have tried everything I know. I can get the obj to work but not collada 

    Thank you in advance for any help you can share 

  • info Comment actions Permalink

    Don't have MD open at the moment but when you import choose a different size.

  • Velazquez Jose E Comment actions Permalink

    Thank you for the information 

  • info Comment actions Permalink

    Did you get it worked out?  I would have opened MD but I'm in the middle of a really long render.

  • Velazquez Jose E Comment actions Permalink

    Still having some issues with the Collada import obj works fine will still keep at I am sure I am missing a steps some where I am still very new to MD but thank you for your help truly do appreciate it 

  • info Comment actions Permalink

    Pretty sure I import a wavefront obj.

  • Velazquez Jose E Comment actions Permalink

    I have tried both Collada and OBJ obj seems to import OK collada still seems to be an issue but it might be a cause from the poser end 

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