I wasn't able to get a Poser figure to import as an avatar. So they had me send them the file, figured out what I was doing wrong and told me how to fix it.
Awesome customer service!
Thank you so much!
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I wasn't able to get a Poser figure to import as an avatar. So they had me send them the file, figured out what I was doing wrong and told me how to fix it.
Awesome customer service!
Thank you so much!
Any possibility of sharing how they advised to fix this I am having the same issue when trying to import a Poser Pro 11 collada file into Marvelous and it either freezes or crashes and have tried everything I know. I can get the obj to work but not collada
Thank you in advance for any help you can share
Don't have MD open at the moment but when you import choose a different size.
Thank you for the information
Did you get it worked out? I would have opened MD but I'm in the middle of a really long render.
Still having some issues with the Collada import obj works fine will still keep at I am sure I am missing a steps some where I am still very new to MD but thank you for your help truly do appreciate it
Pretty sure I import a wavefront obj.
I have tried both Collada and OBJ obj seems to import OK collada still seems to be an issue but it might be a cause from the poser end
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