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Cloth simulation falling through obj avatar from blender.

  • Rosemary Comment actions Permalink

    More information, please.  Screenshots, etc.  Without knowing more about your export settings from Blender, or import setting on coming into MD, or an image/video of the failure happening, it is hard to analyze the problem.

  • Roy Comment actions Permalink

    Absolutely! The clothing falls right through the .obj file exported from blender, except when elasticity is enabled and the strength with the ratio is adjusted. Was I supposed to add some rigid body physics to the .obj file prior to importing to Marvelous Designer?




  • Roy Comment actions Permalink

    I Exported the model from blender as a Wavefront (.obj) file

  • Roy Comment actions Permalink

    This what the import settings look like on Marvelous Designer


  • Verbaas Frans Comment actions Permalink

    is your avatar double sided maybe?

    The avatar must be single mesh, normals outward.

  • Roy Comment actions Permalink

    Normals do face outwards, some are poking inside the groin area though

  • Roy Comment actions Permalink

    Would I need to add some rigid body physics?


  • Verbaas Frans Comment actions Permalink

    no. An avatar is by default a collision surface.

    The only reason I know of for the cloth 'falling through' is when there is a face also on the other side of the collision surface, with normals facing inwards.

  • Rosemary Comment actions Permalink

    A couple of points.... 

    1. Your back pattern piece is facing in the wrong direction (it's normals are currently facing *towards* the avatar).  You will need to rotate that pattern piece so it's normals are facing away from the avatar.  The clue is that the visible portions of the back piece are lighter colored than they should be.

    2. You need to adjust the elastic ration to **less than** 100, not greater than 100, in order to create the gathering at the waist.  As it is, you are forcing the line to stretch outwards, creating that rippled 'lettuce leaf' effect. 

    Could I see a snapshot of *just* before you activate the sim, please?  If the two pattern pieces are too far away from the avatar before sewing occurs (while gravity is already pulling them downwards) the sewing doesn't complete before the garment gets lower that the arms.  If necessary, tilt each pattern piece towards each other at the top, so those upper (arm) seams are close together.

  • Rosemary Comment actions Permalink

    Edit:  "lower *than* the arms" to last sentance.

  • Roy Comment actions Permalink

    Thank you so much Rosemary! Your first point about the piece of cloth being in the wrong direction was right! I flipped it and it does not fall through my avatar anymore. I also adjusted the elastic ration and it gathers at the waste. Thanks again for your help and time. Thanks to Verbaas Frans as well.

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