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Garment collision issue

  • Wilhelm Wolfgang Comment actions Permalink

    I am starting with MD and have a problem with the sewing: it says:" Overlapping sewing line" and doesnT show the stitchings on the avatar garment.

    Can someone help me?

    Many Thanks


  • 김 경태 Comment actions Permalink

    audrey it could be a couple of things, check your your particle distance on the pants as they do collide during animation the mesh might be too big and check the collision thickness to see if it needs to be increased (simulation properties) that might help with your collision issues. give those a try


    Wilhelm Wolfgang you have sewing already in place on the pattern piece - if you look at the lines in the 3D window there is a blue and a burgundy line - those are indicating a sewing relationship that you are overlapping, use the edit sewing tool and delete them and try applying sewing again and see if that fixes your issue. 

  • audrey Comment actions Permalink

    Thank you, I will try this. But first, where can I find the collision thickness in the simulation properties?? ^^' 
    I find the menu but not this parameter.

  • Verbaas Frans Comment actions Permalink

    If your seams are correct it looks as if the legs of the pants were hooked up during the initial draping.

    To get an idea of ewhat is wrong make one pant leg transparant view or mesh.

    To fix de-activate one side and sim to let the other side drape. Then do reverse sides.

    To avoid try to avoid too much 'spectacle' when draping. Always carefully arrange your patterns before draping such that they can drape without crossing each-other. 

  • Wilhelm Wolfgang Comment actions Permalink

    Wilhelm Wolfgang you have sewing already in place on the pattern piece - if you look at the lines in the 3D window there is a blue and a burgundy line - those are indicating a sewing relationship that you are overlapping, use the edit sewing tool and delete them and try applying sewing again and see if that fixes your issue. 

    Thanks so much, that answer helped fixing the problem.


  • Wilhelm Wolfgang Comment actions Permalink

    Another question to the same issue: I cannot see the stitching threads


  • Wilhelm Wolfgang Comment actions Permalink

    even if pieces are sewn correctly


  • 김 경태 Comment actions Permalink

     audrey collision thickness is under the property editor of the pattern under simulation properties its called "additional thickness -collision"    So Property editor>Simulation properties>"Addtl thick.. collision" 


    Wilhelm Wolfgang  Is your sewing working when you simulate? Can you show an image of what you're experiencing with the sewing? 

  • audrey Comment actions Permalink

    김 경태  Ah okay I thought there was another one hide into the simulation property menu, I will increase it.

  • audrey Comment actions Permalink

    김 경태  Ah okay I thought there was another one hide into the simulation property menu.
    I increased it - up to 20 - and my particle distance is at 15 and it works!! Thank you very much ^^

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