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Unusable on M1X Mac?

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER Comment actions Permalink

    Hello Belgrave​,

    In response to your inquiry, please note that Marvelous Designer does not work with Apple M1 native, but work with Rosetta base that is provided by Apple.
    That being said, low performance or compatibility issue are highly likely expected with Apple M1.

    We are currently progressing to make compatibility with Apple M1, but there is yet no specific date determined for deployment of this compatibility.

    We will make an announcement regarding this update either via our website or the patch note when it happens. 

    If you need further assistance or have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us at

    Best regards,
    Marvelous Designer Support Team

  • nara.aguirre Comment actions Permalink

    The latest update make MD imposible to use, is being over a year and you guys still can't make MD work native in the M1.

    I got MD 11 because 10 wasn't launching so you guys told me to update to 11 so I can launch the app, I can't use it but at least I can open it.

  • Li James Comment actions Permalink

    Is any update for using it by M1X?

  • Support Agent COMMUNITY MANAGER Comment actions Permalink

    Hello Li James,

    Thanks for leaving a question here. 

    With our latest patch release (7.0.347.40545), we support Native Support for Apple's M1 Processors.

    Please refer to our new feature list here.

    Best regards,

    Marvelous Designer Team

  • Belgrave Tito Comment actions Permalink

    Incredible news! Definitely giving this a try today as it'll be perfect timing or me.


  • Support Agent COMMUNITY MANAGER Comment actions Permalink

    Sounds good! Thank you everyone!

  • mhion Comment actions Permalink

    This is still unsuable on mac M1 Max 64GB RAM.

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