I found this post https://support.marvelousdesigner.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037022572-Synchronize-Pattern
But i can't find actually the corresponding features anywhere in MarvelousDesigner.
But in any case it states that editing in the 2d-Pattern view would auto-synchronize. Which i personally find terrible.
Especially as a User who uses a Wacom Tablet i am prone to make tiny drags when i want only to click.
And this is always executing the synchronization and leads to a lot of frustration. I already made an autohotkey script that allows me in MarvelousDesigner to use MMB (penButton) to click on stuff without risking a dragAction but still an option to disable Auto-Synchronization would be such a blessing in my opinion.
I don't know why this shouldn't be possible, i have (a while ago) seen a post asking for that already. But since there is nothing to do that, yet. I post this FeatureRequest.
I hope this is technically possible and you see the value in a feature like that. Because for me it would make a big difference and take so much frustration out of working with MarvelousDesigner.
Thanks a lot and have a nice day.
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