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Arrangement Points and Bounding Volumes problems with Custom Avatars in the 2024.0.149 version of MD

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER Comment actions Permalink

    That looks like it might be a bug but it could be an "much older version to new version" issue too. 1) how old is the original version these are from? 2) does it work fine/ as expected if you were to import the avatars as if treating them like new files? 3) please send us the offending files and we can test them on our end send via here>>

  • the.suzy.woo Comment actions Permalink

    Hi! Thank you for the answer.

    1) I'm not sure how old is this specific avatar, as I did not create it.

    2) It does. I don't have any issues if I import the body of a character to create a new avatar. However, if I export the Arrangement Points and Bounding Volumes of that new avatar and import them to another, old or new, the problem appears again.

    3)Thanks. I already sent an email with the file.

  • Marvelous Designer Team COMMUNITY MANAGER Comment actions Permalink

    commenting to share for others: luckily this was resolved by an update to version 2024.0.173. 

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