To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues.
- ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) :latest
- ● OS Type :windows 10
- ● Mac Model Name (for mac users only) :
- ● CPU :intel
- ● Graphic Card :3090
I may need to contact the support team but I am trying here, I am having issues sewing on a collar of a shirt and I have been having issues with this scene file ever since I started it and I do not think there should be any reason, the mesh is clean, it started from character creator. First scene I have ever had to play around with the skin boundaries property. And that was at the beginning of everything. When I would copy and mirror paste and lines sewed would sew two places at once and sometimes they did not seem right if I recall so I did the regular copy and paste and situated everything for sewing manually seam by seam. But look at how the sew lines are creating for the collar and how the collar is sewing on in the two screen shots. I sewed the collar on just as I have seen so many do in videos, 4 seams for 4 seams. I really need this working and I do not know what to do, blender is to messy for sewing and so I am stuck trying to figure this out. I am posting the scene file if anyone can have a look at that as well if need be to address the issue, such is greatly appreciated.
If you need a staff member to look closer at your issue for technical support. Please contact the Marvelous Designer support team.
So I figured it out, the arrangements points needed to be set to wrap the collar around the neck and the collar needed to be longer to wrap around the neck as well.
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