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- ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) :Marvelous Designer 10
- ● OS Type : Windows 10 Pro
- ● Mac Model Name (for mac users only) :
- ● CPU : Intel core I7 - 10700K
- ● Graphic Card : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
Hello everyone,
I am facing this problem everytime I convert the geometry from triangles to quad. I have attached the screenshots for the same. Some of the edges are well connected byt at some seams, the vertex gometry is never proper.
I am looking for a solution where the geometry on all the seams are proper like the third image.
Thanks in advance
Hi Prashik
When using the Remesh tool, the mesh will adapt to the shape of the pattern and triangulation on the ends might happen depending on the shape.
Quadrangulate will generate all quads and will not follow a specific flow/loop for the creation of the mesh.
In case you want to generate a specific mesh all with quads and align with another pattern, I suggest using the Patch Topology tool, to generate a simple and not that-dense mesh. Once you have the overall shape, duplicate the amount of mesh or add more loops with the Create Topology tool.
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