I am working on an animated character for a VR game, final platform is Unreal Engine 5.2. I used Blender to retarget the animation and Marvelous Designer to design and simulate the garment. Now, I am importing to UE 5.2.
I uploaded the animated character (Marvelous Designer avatar) as alembic and used Geometry Cache to play in sequencer. It plays but the textures are not applied.
I uploaded the animated garment (created in Marvelous Designer) as alembic, Geometry Cache, and the animation does not work. The garment doesn't move while I followed the same steps as the animated character.
What can be causing the animation not to play? Is there another way to import simulated garment to Unreal?
I am on a very tight deadline and this has been very difficult to achieve. I appreciate the help!
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