To allow other folks to help better, write some more descriptions if your issue is related to technical issues.
- ● Marvelous Designer Version (ex: 7.1.111) :7.0.347
- ● OS Type :windows 11
- ● Mac Model Name (for mac users only) :
- ● CPU :11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900H
- ● Graphic Card : rtx3080
If you need a staff member to look closer at your issue for technical support. Please contact the Marvelous Designer support team.
So while making a pair of jeans and exporting the animation to Blender I found out that using double stitch topstitches from marvelous designer library creates stitches with over 20million additional polygons when imported into blender. Posting this in case anyone else experiences major lag when trying to play their animation on blender or unreal. Also don't know if its was intentional to add a lot more of geometry or if its a bug or a problem when using double sided stitches.
Hi Eli!
Depending on the purpose you have with your 3D assets, we recommend:
Try using Texture option this time, let us know if it solves your problem with polycount.
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