For some reason the texture maps aren't exporting properly in my project, they simply doesn't write the way they should be... diffuse map gets vanished as the files are writing and texture maps such as the roughness map isn't shipping with properly alphas onto the 2d graphics parts. This particular issue wasn't present on previous versions of Marvelous.
- Here's my export settings as usual, been doing this type of FBX export for a long time.
- Here's a screenshot at the right moment where the maps are writing onto the folder, you can see the diffuse map there.
- And here's a screenshot of the folder when the export gets finished. Diffuse map simply gets deleted on it's on, and other maps are problematic.
I've tried other formats aswell such as .OBJ but the textures gets exported the same way. I've already tried the bake textures feature over the UV Editor panel as well, not successful too. Is this addressed somewhere or I will need to go back a few versions?
- ● Marvelous Designer Version: 7.2.181 (r43627)
Hi Gabe.
I have been able to confirm this error. Our devs will take a look asap.
Meanwhile, yes, you can download the previous version to be able to export your file with all the map data correctly.
We are sorry for the issue you experiencing, we will work on it and let you know when you can work properly again on version 7.2.181
Is there a way to provide my project file for further investigation? wouldn't be a problem for me.
In fact, yes. Please, send your file to our Contact Us page.
For now, as we work on fixing the issue. You can export your garment using Absolute Texture Path instead of Relative Texture Path for the correct export of the maps you are missing under the basic options on the export pop-up menu.
This bug will be fixed in the next patch release. You can proceed as I describe in the last comment to avoid the need to download a previous version. Thanks for getting in contact with us.
Has this been fixed yet?
I'm on version 7.2.191
When I export an .FBX or .OBJ, the alpha channel on PNG graphics doesn't seem to render on the exported texture maps. It instead shows a big rectangle where the graphic should be.
The same happens when exporting using either Relative or Absolute Texture image files.
I've seen you recommended Gabe to download an older version of Marvelous Designer as a temporary fix. I'd like to try this but cannot find any legacy downloads online?
Any help would be great,
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