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Error_Due to a network issue .. marv 11 login

  • Support Agent COMMUNITY MANAGER Comment actions Permalink

    Hello Vuillermin Alessandra

    We apologize for the inconvenience.
    We recognized the server issue yesterday, and it has been resolved now! 
    Now you will be able to sign in Marvelous Designer program without any issues. 
     Sorry about the inconvenience again, let us know if you still face the issue. We will try our best to resolve it. 

    Best regards,

    Marvelous Designer Team


  • Support Agent COMMUNITY MANAGER Comment actions Permalink

    And also, if you face this issue until now, please try this method: 

    • Step 1. Open c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host file as a text file
    • Step 2. Add # at the front for the lines that includes or

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