Create, Delete, and other functions relating to Pin tool.
Create Pin
Affix specific portions of the Garment and utilize Pin similar to the Freeze function. It is also convenient when turning/flipping over collars, lapels, or cuffs.
Pin Tool
Main Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶ Pin (Box) / Pin (Lasso)
3D Toolbar ▶ (Click for more than 2 seconds) ▶ Pin (Box) / Pin (Lasso)
Select/Move Tool
Main Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶ Select/Move
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move
Pin Tool
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶ Pin (Box) / Pin (Lasso)
3D Toolbar ▶ (Click more than 2 seconds) ▶ Pin (Box) / Pin (Lasso)
→ The Garment mesh is now displayed in red in both the 3D and 2D windows.
- Click on a vertex (a point of the mesh).
→ A Pin is created on the selected point.
- Or click on a desired area on the Garment ▶ Click and drag to select the area.
→ Pins are created on the vertex of the selected area.
→ Pins can also be created on 2D Patterns.
- Click and drag, or use the Gizmo to move the pinned mesh as desired in the 3D window.
※ Note: Click and drag on the 2D Pattern while pressing Shift + Ctrl on the keyboard to create additional pinned areas. Adversely, click and drag on the 2D Pattern while pressing Ctrl on the keyboard to remove Pins from existing pinned areas.
Select/Move Tool
- Click on the Select/Move tool in the 3D window.
- Click while pressing W on the keyboard to create a Pin on a specific point.
→ A Pin is created on the selected point.
- If the input language is set to Korean, a Pin cannot be created when pressing W on the keyboard. Make sure to change the input language to English.
※ Note:
Create Pin on Segment
Double-click on a Pattern outline in either the 3D or 2D window to create Pins on a segment. When creating Pins on the Pattern in the 2D window, Pins are generated on adjacent segment vertices when the angle difference is less than 20˚.
Create Pin on Pattern
Double-click on a Pattern in either the 3D or 2D window to create Pins on a Pattern.
Create Pin on Internal Line (ver4.0.0)
Use the same procedure as above to create Pins on specific Internal Lines and Shapes.
Delete Pin
Delete unnecessary pins.
Main Menu ▶ Edit ▶ Context Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶ Delete All Pins / Delete All Pins on Selected Patterns
Pin Right-Click Pop-Up Menu ▶ Delete Selected Pin / Delete All Pins
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ Edit ▶ Context Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶ Delete All Pins / Delete All Pins on Selected Patterns
Pin Right-Click Pop-Up Menu ▶ Delete Selected Pin / Delete All Pins
→ The selected pin is now being deleted.
※ Note: Selecting a created pin while holding W key on keyboard also deletes the pin.
Duplicate Pins To Symmetric Pattern (ver. 2024.2)
Added the ability to reflect pins onto the symmetric pattern, including all pin details such as pin position.
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move or Select Mesh (Box) or Pin (Box)
- Create pins by following guideline in the Location above.
- In 3D window, right-click on the Pin/Pins in the scene.
- Click the option "Duplicate to Symmetric Pattern"
- Duplicate Pin/Pins are created on the other side of the Symmetric pattern with all the pin details including the position of the Pin/Pins
- When Simulating, both sides will be Symmetrical with Pins.
※ Note:
- If a pattern with no symmetry is selected, and trying to apply this ‘Duplicate to Symmetric Pattern’ option. A pop-up box will appear with error message: “Some Pattern/Patterns has no symmetry applied. Duplicate to Symmetric Pattern can only be applied to pattern with Symmetry“
- If a set of pins on multiple patterns is added and some of them have Symmetry and the others don't. The function will apply pins only on the respective symmetric pattern with the above pop-up message box.
Attach / Detach Pins from Avatar
Affix specific parts of the Garments to the Avatar.
This function is commonly used for Simulation or recording animation for avoiding the Garment sliding off from the Avatar.
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move or Select Mesh (Box) or Pin (Box)
Attach Pin to Avatar
- Create a pin to attach to an Avatar.
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move or Select Mesh (Box) or Pin (Box)
- Right-click on the created pin ▶ select Attach Pin to Avatar/Attach All Pins to Avatar.
→ The selected pin is now being attached to the nearest part of the Avatar.
※ Note: Pins attached to the Avatar are unable to be selected or moved.
Detach Pin from Avatar
- Right-click on the pin attached to the avatar ▶ select Detach from Avatar/Detach All Pins from Avatar.
→ The attached pin is now being detached from the Avatar.
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