Affix specific parts of the Garments to the Avatar.
This function is commonly used for Simulation or recording animation for avoiding the Garment sliding off from the Avatar.
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move or Select Mesh (Box) or Pin (Box)
Attach Pin to Avatar
- Create a pin to attach to an Avatar.
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
3D Toolbar ▶ Select/Move or Select Mesh (Box) or Pin (Box)
- Right-click on the created pin ▶ select Attach Pin to Avatar/Attach All Pins to Avatar.
→ The selected pin is now being attached to the nearest part of the Avatar.
※ Note: Pins attached to the Avatar are unable to be selected or moved.
Detach Pin from Avatar
- Right-click on the pin attached to the avatar ▶ select Detach from Avatar/Detach All Pins from Avatar.
→ The attached pin is now being detached from the Avatar.
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