Show or hide 2D measurements on 2D Patterns (ver2.5.0).
- All 2D measurements are created based on the Internal Shapes/Lines drawn on Patterns.
- All 2D measurements are deactivated by default. In order to activate them, please navigate to the Property Editor ▶ 2D Measurements. Then, choose either the To Center or the To Outline option to expand each option's child menu. Toggle on following options to activate the 2D measurements.
When you choose To Center, Marvelous Designer calculates the distances from the Pattern outline to the center of the Internal Shapes/Lines. On the other hand, when you choose To Outline, Marvelous Designer calculates the distances from the Pattern outline to the outline of the Internal Shapes/Lines.
Main Menu ▶ Display ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Show 2D Measurements
Right Click Pop-Up Menu (on Pattern) ▶ Show 2D Measurements
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ Display ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Show 2D Measurements
Right Click Pop-Up Menu (on Pattern) ▶ Show 2D Measurements
→The 2D measurements show or disappear from the 2D window.
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