Editing location of UV. (ver. 7.5)
Arraying individual UV
Arraying selected individual UV.
UV editor mode UV right-click popup menu
Align | Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom | Selected UVs will be aligned by a selected standard. Align menu will be displayed when selecting more than two UVs. |
Flip Horizontally | Selected UV will be flipped left and right. | |
Flip Vertically | Selected UV will be flipped up and down. | |
Fit UV to 0-1 |
Selected UV will be aligned to 0-1 coordinates. (ver. 10) * Length (Absolute): the actual distance * UV Coordinate (Relative): The ratio of 0-1 length to 1. The maximum distance is 0.4. |
Arraying all UV
Arraying all UV visible in UV editor mode.
UV editor mode Right-click on background
Fit All UV to unified (0-1) |
All UV will be aligned to 0-1 coordinates. * Length (Absolute): the actual distance * UV Coordinate (Relative): The ratio of 0-1 length to 1. The maximum distance is 0.4. |
Set UV from pattern alignment | Location of all UV will be re-arranged as 2D pattern window. | ||
Zoom Extents All |
Set the view in the UV window to reveal all patterns. (ver. 10) | ||
Show Wire | Disable texture and show mesh view. (ver. 9.5 below) |
UV Packing
The selected UV shells can be automatically packed into the targeted UV tile.
UV Editor ▶ Toolbar ▶ UV Packing
- Select desired UV shells to be packed.
- Ctrl+A can be used to select all existing UV shells. - Follow the dedicated path found in Location above to open Dialog box:
Padding |
Set the interval between UV shells. Unit: Permille (‰) of UV tile size. Min: 0.001 ~ Max: 0.999 |
Packing Ratio (Archived since version 2024.1) |
The percentage of area occupied by UV shells, compared to the size of the selected UV tile. Min: 80 ~ Max: 99 |
Fidelity (ver.2024.1) |
The larger the value, the more sensitively the shape of the UV shell is calculated. Min: 1 ~ Max: 5 |
Fix Scale Ratio | Fix the current ratio of UV shells. | ||
Rotation | Allow UV shells to be rotated if needed. | ||
Advanced Placement (Ver. 2024.1) | Numerous sequences are tested to find a better placement to create least empty space. | ||
UV Area | Set the target UV tile to pack the selected UV shells. | ||
Reset | Reset all inputs in dialog box to default. | ||
Apply | All inputs will be applied to the UV shells and tiles. | ||
Close | Close the dialog box |
※ Note:
- When Advanced Placement is turned off, UV shells are placed sequentially from largest to smallest.
- Advanced Placement option will decrease speed. Unless in extreme situations, it is recommended to turn Advanced Placement on.
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