Add skiving effect on desired parts of a Pattern or all Patterns (ver2.3.0).
Property Editor (Internal Shapes/Pattern Only) ▶ Bond/Skive ▶ Skive
- Select a pattern or an internal shape to express skiving with Edit Pattern or Transform Pattern tools.
→ Its properties appear in Property Editor.
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Property Editor (Internal Shapes/Pattern Only) ▶ Bond/Skive ▶ Skive
→ The select Pattern/Internal Shape is now being displayed in a semi-transparent grey color.
→ A scrollbar appears, displaying the physical property of the pattern from the value range of zero ('0') to one hundred ('100') in Percentage (%).
- Move the scrollbar to adjust as desired.
- Activate the Simulate.
→ The area of the internal shape is now being displayed softer as if it has been shaved down.
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