Extract Patterns based on lines and shapes created on an Avatar.
※ Note: The Flattening function only extracts closed shapes as Patterns.
Main Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶ Flatten
3D Toolbar ▶ Flatten
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 3D Garment ▶ Flatten
3D Toolbar ▶ Flatten
→ Points no longer appear and only lines appear on the Avatar.
- Hover the mouse over the shape to be extracted as a Pattern.
→ The area to be flattened appears in light blue.
- Select all areas to be extracted by holding Shift on the keyboard, then clicking on the desired areas.
→ The selected areas are highlighted in yellow.
- Hit Enter on the keyboard.
→ The selected areas on the Avatar are converted to patterns and appear in both the 3D and 2D windows.
→ The default Fabric is applied to all Patterns created with the Flatten tool.
→ Sewing lines are automatically established for adjacent Patterns.
→ The lines remain on the Avatar.
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