Flip Patterns/Internal Shapes horizontally or vertically as needed.
Main Menu ▶ Edit ▶ Context Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Flip Horizontally/ Flip Vertically (ver2.5.0)
Right Click Pop-Up Menu (on Pattern) ▶ Flip Horizontally/ Flip Vertically
- Navigate to the 2D toolbar and select the Pattern Transform tool or the Edit Pattern tool.
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ Edit ▶ Context Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Flip Horizontally/ Flip Vertically (ver2.5.0)
Right Click Pop-Up Menu (on Pattern) ▶ Flip Horizontally/ Flip Vertically
→The selected Patterns/ Internal Shapes are flipped horizontally or vertically.
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