Add points and split a segment into multiple segments.
Just simply click or enter values to add points on segments.
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Add Point/Split Line
2D Toolbar ▶ Add Point/Split Line
Add Point with a Click
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Add Point/Split Line
2D Toolbar ▶ Add Point/Split Line - Hover the mouse over the segment where the point is to be added. Then, click once.
Add Point with Entered Values
- Follow the indicated guideline below:
Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Add Point/Split Line
2D Toolbar ▶ Add Point/Split Line - Hover the mouse over the segment where the point is to be added. Right click to access the Split Line window. Enter the desired values as below:
Split Into Two Lines Line 1
Line 2The line will be divided into two lines based on the reference point which was created when you hover the mouse over and right click the segment. The shorter side is indicated as Line 1, and the longer side is indicated as Line 2.
Enter the desired value in either Line 1 or Line 2 to split the segment into two lines.
Ratio The ratio of the line to be split is 100%. The line can be divided into two lines based on the ratio.
Enter the desired ratio in either Line 1 or Line 2 to split the segment into two lines.
This function is often used split a line into two identical segments or to add a point at its 33.3%.
Split by Length Segment
LengthEnter the segment length which the whole line should be divided according to the interval. To reverse the direction that points are added, select Reverse Direction. Number of
SegmentsEnter the number of segments the selected line should be divided into.
It is set as 2 by default (ver3.2.0).Direction Reverse the direction that points are added (ver3.2.0). Uniform Split Enter the number of segments the line should be divided into. The line is equally divided accordingly.
※ Note: Additional points can be added to multiple segments as they are detected as a single line. To use this function, select multiple segments where additional points should added to, right-click then select Split (ver3.2.0).
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